Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am missing out?

Well, after a long summer break (not long enough) I have returned to school.  I love my job, I really do. I enjoy what I do, and I like the kiddos I work with, but I love my baby boy and I miss him. I had a blast with him all summer and really enjoyed all of those little things you get to see happen each day when they are little.  I am blessed with a really great job, so I will continue to work and savor my time at home. 
On another note I have been feeling a little torn the past few months.  I am aware that we all have different stages in our lives where things happen for us and opportunities are presented to us.  I am very content in this stage of my life.  I love my husband and my baby.  I enjoy being married and truly love motherhood.  I look to many of my friends lives and notice that we are in lots of different places.  This, of course, does not change my love for my friends.  It does make it more difficult to spend time with them though. 
 I have not been as good as I should have been about staying as close with my friends as I would like because I have been trying to put the majority of my time/energy into creating my family.  When I got engaged I worked very hard to become part of my husband's family.  He had this huge family, and I just wanted to make sure I fit in with them.  We do a lot of stuff with family.  That is the “norm” for him, it wasn’t for me.  I am so glad I took the time to really get to know his family, and become a part of it, but now I am at a point where I am watching my friends from the outside.  My dear friends Jessica and Erica are about  to end, and just starting two amazing journeys!  Jessica spent the past few months in LA working as an intern for the TV series, “Harry’s Law.”  She blogged about her  incredible adventures in LA, seeing celebrities, hanging out at Warner Bros. Studios and just the everyday life she got to lead while living the Hollywood life.  And now, Erica, has left for 12 weeks in Italy to do her student teaching.  She is also going to blog about her adventure in Rome.  She’s got some amazing sites to see and teaching to experience.   I have had some moments where I thought, “am I missing out?”  I went straight to college out of high school and finished up a short five years later.  When I was done, I got a great job at the high school I am still at 5 years later!  Consistency is a friend of mine =)  Still I wonder, am I missing out?  With all these adventures I see my friends having, and I know well that I would not be able to do at this point in my life, am I missing out? 
            My answer comes in the form of the wide open mouth kisses I got from Hayden this morning.  No, I’m not missing out; I’m just in a different place.  I have had adventures that some of my friends have not had a chance to yet experience.  I got married (which is its own adventure every single day) and had a baby!  I know that marriage and a baby might not seem the same as traveling the world, but it’s an adventure every single day.  I am SO excited for my friends getting to go do some amazing things.  I love getting to hear about all of the details of their journeys!  I sometimes need to take a moment to step back and remember that their journey is not going to look like my journey, and it doesn’t make theirs better or worse, just different.  I love where I am now, and how I got here. 
            Well this has been a very long entry.  Well people, take a look around and be thankful for your journey and where it has lead you!