Friday, April 29, 2011

Pure Easter Excitement!


Student: "Can you read this to me Mrs. Gail"
Me: "Yes"
long pause
Student: "Well?"
Me: "You asked me if I could read it to you, not if I would read it to you"
long pause
Me: "So...what do you want to ask me?"
Student: "Well can you read it to me?"
I think this may have been to deep of a thought for a Friday!

Continuing on with my life...

Yesterday I never got to finish telling about my crazy past few years!  Well my husband and I got married in May 2009 and got to know each other in all kinds of new ways once we finally lived together.  It was a little rough some days.  Living with someone 24/7 shows you a whole new side of things!  We had some pretty bad fights and we had some pretty great days too.  In December 2009 we went to Disney with his dad, his step mom, his younger brother and sister.  I had never been to Disney(not only happiest place on earth...possibly the cleanest as well!) We had a blast!  We didn't have a this was kind of our big trip!  When we arrived in Chicago on the way home we got snowed in for the night...thank goodness we bought the insurance policy for the vacation! It was a nice relaxing trip!
One month later, I found out I was pregnant! 
Most of my pregnancy was great.  I had two little problems.  I had a lot of pain where I had my appendix removed when I was a kid.  The doctor said my scar was stretching out...that hurt a lot! Second small problem...I swelled up like a blimp!  My poor feet...I didn't know if they would ever go back to their original shape!  I was feeling uncomfortable at my job(Teacher) even though we had just begun the school year...I was ready to have that baby out of my belly and into my arms!
Then on a lovely Wednesday in September we had our baby boy!  I had to have a C-Section due to him being breech.  They tried moving him...but he was stuck in their pretty good.  I thought that the kid must weigh like 12 lbs. at the least with as much weight as I had gained!  60lbs! He came out a perfect 7lbs 14oz.  I almost cried thinking I would never lose that weight again! ***Side Note***in July 2007 I had gastric bypass surgery and had finally lost about 85lbs...only to gain back 60lbs when I got pregnant!
So...I had my beautiful, perfect, little boy...along with a bunch of extra weight hanging on my body.  The doctor said..."Don't worry, it's mostly water weight, wait for the swelling to go down."  Well speaking as a girl that has always had issues with her weight, I thought for sure she was crazy and that weight would never go away again!  About a week later I was back to the weight I was before Hayden(our baby) was born. The problem was that due to my indulgence while I was pregnant I feared that I had re-stretched out my stomach to the previous size before my surgery.  While I have no way to really figure that out...the next couple months showed me that this was probably true.'s about 7 months later and I feel my fears were confirmed!  I gain about 10lbs since Hayden was born!  This is quite a hit when you have been used to slowly loosing weight over the past few years. I felt I needed to try something else. On April 11th I joined Weight Watchers.  It's quite the new system from what it was back in the day when I tried it! 
So here I am.  New Mom, New Wife with my New Life!  I am working on weight loss...balancing new motherhood and attempting to be a good wife and keeping up with my teaching career!  I will also begin the new membership class at our church on Sunday.  I want to be more involved with our church.  I belong to the choir...but becoming an actual member will mean a lot to me!
Well...more to come soon! Maybe I'll actually make it to present day soon!

So...just a little warning for you!

I just ask people to keep in mind that the advertisments on my blog are random and do not reflect my opinion or preferences in any way! More to come later today!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My First Blog!

Well in the new age of "blogs" I guess I was bound to start one up!  I had tried to blog before, and realized I didn't have a whole lot of time.  Well now that things are settling down a little bit...I guess I will start again.  To begin, I will share a bit about myself. I have lived in the same city my whole life.  Grade school, middle school and then high school...all in Cedar Rapids!  Then college...still in Cedar first big kid job...still in Cedar Rapids!  I met my husband here...had our baby here...and here I am...still in Cedar Rapids.  I must love it here, otherwise I've wasted 28 years of my life.  Well my husband asked me to marry him December of 2008...we got married May 2009 and we had our baby boy in September 2010...that's a pretty busy couple years! 
When asked how i've adjusted to marriage...well you just do it!  We didn't live together before we were married(I know kids these days think that's kinda old fashioned...but we didn't).  There was a LOT to adjust to when we moved in together.  We had some pretty good fights after that first "honeymoon" month.  I was lead to believe that the "honeymoon stage" was supposed to be the first year!  But I guess that's how my husband and I do!~
Well more about my history in tomorrows addition of my little blog. I am off to get my little boys pictures taken...I'm sure I will post at least one of those when I get them back!