Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Life,

Dear Life,
  Well you’ve done it again.  You’ve become crazy busy without my realizing it...again!  I had a beautiful vacation with my family.  My favorite part had to be taking Hayden to see the ocean.  I know there are million things that Hayden has not seen, and so most of his experiences are new, but I just loved watching him put is feet in and try to walk out further and further.  Of course I took a million pictures, I just have to find time to post them!  

Basically I have been very busy lately.  I have two graduate school classes, a baby, a husband, a full time job(that has students who I very much care about) and lots of other family and friends.  I really do try to make time for everyone. It can be hard.  
There is one thing that was I have been thinking lately and that’s church.  I have always thought I “tried” to make it to church.  Really I feel like I have let other people be my excuses.  I really do feel odd going to church without my husband.  This is likely because my husband grew up in this church and if he doesn’t come with me I always get asked where he is.  This makes me feel kind of awkward I guess. I’m sure no one thinks anything of it besides me.  Well, anyway, I am going to really put forth more effort to go on Sunday morning, or Sunday evening.  I need to not let OTHER people be my reason that I don’t show up.  So baring any illness or being out of town I am going to try harder.  I won’t be perfect but I will try harder.  I have also been trying to get in one of the prayers from “the power of a praying wife” book nightly.  Some people just have a gift with words, and my goodness that woman has a gift of writing great prayers!  
I have also been thinking about my close friends lately.  My dear life, you have managed to get hold of them too!  They have all been so busy and it’s hard to coordinate all of our lives together to spend time with each other! I look forward to my time with friends more now than ever.  It might be few and far between sometimes but I love those dinners or breakfasts or quick coffees or whatever! I enjoy the football games or belly dancing classes.  It’s all just good for my sanity, no matter how often it happens!
Well life, thanks for being full.  Thanks for having a ton for me to do, and giving me beautiful people to do it with!