Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am not a runner!

I have been called many things in my life, and let me tell you that "runner" has never been one of those names.  Just look at me! I do not have the body of a runner.  I do not have the cardiovascular health a runner should have. I am in no way fit to be a runner.  What I do have is the williness to try new things.  Well I completed week one of the C25k work out. Couch to 5K, and I am not joking about the couch.  I think I did one other physical activity besides this(leading up to this point). 
Things I have learned so far
1. I shouldn't be doing my workout at night, it really doesn't help me sleep at all!
2. If I push myself I can do this so far, however, I still go a lot slower than I am sure some other people do.
3. Ugh, I am not in shape at all!
So I sure hope I can stick with this.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been skinny(okay I was a stick up until I was in first grade maybe.) My entire adult life I have been a bigger girl.  Even at my thinnest, I was still a bigger girl.  I am pretty sure that I didn't fit in with half of the people in high school because I never fit that mold of the average sized girl.  The point is, that I have become fine with my body.  It is what it is and I don't know if there will ever be a large change in it's shape and size.  I do not expect my body shape or size to change, but I am hoping I can build up some endurance and cardio strength to be able to do this.  So, I guess we'll see!  If you see me running(however slowly it may be) a 5K in October, you'll know I was able to meet my goal!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I should do___but I don't wanna

So today is one of those days where I have a lot of little things to do but don't really want to do any of them.  I think that right now I should be folding towels, and yet here I am, updating my blog instead.  Well, yesterday I started C25K.  I am not really under the impression that I could end up really running a 5K but I am going to try to stick with this program.  My reason? Well, I just want to be healthier.  I want to get in my physical activity.  I want to have more energy to run around with Hayden. I started yesterday and I still feel pretty good today.  The only thing that is really sore is my knees, and sometimes my knees hurt without doing anything the day before.  I really pushed myself to start yesterday even though my stomach was pretty upset.  Today, I must say my stomach feels worse.  I want to go run with Katie tonight, but I worry that I won't be able to keep up, because my run/jog is pretty slow.  We'll see though, I gotta get my tummy feeling better because at this point I couldn't run or jog or anything.  Maybe when I run to the bank I will pick up some tums or something and that will help? I don't know, we'll see. 
Well, I should not put it off any longer.  Hayden will probably wake up any moment.  I need to fold some laundry. I don't know what is so off with me today but I just am having one of those days where I could just sit and not move and be happy about it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well Hayden has gotten to that point where he crawls over to something....he's about to do something...and I say, "NO".  Right now he kind of stops looks at me and then goes on this way.  Or he stops, looks at me, and then bam goes right back to doing what he was doing. I don't want the poor kid to think his name is "NO" but there are so many things over here he can not play with and I can not put up because these are not my things and this is not my home.  He has a million toys but like any little curious guy he wants to play with household things! Ge wants to explore and I feel like I can't let him get into anything.  It is frustrating to say the least. If it were my stuff and I knew he wasn't in danger of hurting himself I would totally let him play with things...but when stuff doesn't belong to me I can't just make the decision that it's okay for him to bang on stuff! Well as we call all tell I am having a rough couple days.  I need to go take Hayden to my dad's place and cheer up!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Well, so far my summer is going really well.  I am LOVING spending time with Hayden.  I feel like he does something new every single day.  I love that little man and am thankful for him every single day.
Today has been a hard day for me.  I am feeling really sad. I need to pull myself from my funk.  You know when you just have those days where little things happen and they just build up until they overflow into a puddle of pity.  So this is me being upset and sad and swimming in my little puddle of pity.  I will hopefully wake up tomorrow and no longer feel this way.  Tomorrow is another day!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer TIme

Greetings from Summer Vacation!  Well so far so good!  I am LOVING spending time with Hayden!  I kinda of scheduled all of our doctors appointments for these first two weeks so I wouldn't have to worry to much about it later in the summer.  Other than the dentist, I hate the dentist, I will put that off.  I do have to wait a couple of days until the doctor gets my blood work back.  They are trying to figure out what is going on with my anemia.  It is looking like I might have to take something to help my body absorb the iron as well as taking the extra iron.  I have the gastric doctor tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to that either.  It's not so much the actual visit, it's the drive to Iowa City. 
Well, I can hear my baby, so it's time to go! He is playing with Daddy right now but I think that Daddy is going to play volleyball shortly.  I guess my 10 minutes of peace is over! I hope to update more often!  I just have to get into that routine!