Thursday, June 23, 2011

I should do___but I don't wanna

So today is one of those days where I have a lot of little things to do but don't really want to do any of them.  I think that right now I should be folding towels, and yet here I am, updating my blog instead.  Well, yesterday I started C25K.  I am not really under the impression that I could end up really running a 5K but I am going to try to stick with this program.  My reason? Well, I just want to be healthier.  I want to get in my physical activity.  I want to have more energy to run around with Hayden. I started yesterday and I still feel pretty good today.  The only thing that is really sore is my knees, and sometimes my knees hurt without doing anything the day before.  I really pushed myself to start yesterday even though my stomach was pretty upset.  Today, I must say my stomach feels worse.  I want to go run with Katie tonight, but I worry that I won't be able to keep up, because my run/jog is pretty slow.  We'll see though, I gotta get my tummy feeling better because at this point I couldn't run or jog or anything.  Maybe when I run to the bank I will pick up some tums or something and that will help? I don't know, we'll see. 
Well, I should not put it off any longer.  Hayden will probably wake up any moment.  I need to fold some laundry. I don't know what is so off with me today but I just am having one of those days where I could just sit and not move and be happy about it.