Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer TIme

Greetings from Summer Vacation!  Well so far so good!  I am LOVING spending time with Hayden!  I kinda of scheduled all of our doctors appointments for these first two weeks so I wouldn't have to worry to much about it later in the summer.  Other than the dentist, I hate the dentist, I will put that off.  I do have to wait a couple of days until the doctor gets my blood work back.  They are trying to figure out what is going on with my anemia.  It is looking like I might have to take something to help my body absorb the iron as well as taking the extra iron.  I have the gastric doctor tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to that either.  It's not so much the actual visit, it's the drive to Iowa City. 
Well, I can hear my baby, so it's time to go! He is playing with Daddy right now but I think that Daddy is going to play volleyball shortly.  I guess my 10 minutes of peace is over! I hope to update more often!  I just have to get into that routine!