Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well Hayden has gotten to that point where he crawls over to something....he's about to do something...and I say, "NO".  Right now he kind of stops looks at me and then goes on this way.  Or he stops, looks at me, and then bam goes right back to doing what he was doing. I don't want the poor kid to think his name is "NO" but there are so many things over here he can not play with and I can not put up because these are not my things and this is not my home.  He has a million toys but like any little curious guy he wants to play with household things! Ge wants to explore and I feel like I can't let him get into anything.  It is frustrating to say the least. If it were my stuff and I knew he wasn't in danger of hurting himself I would totally let him play with things...but when stuff doesn't belong to me I can't just make the decision that it's okay for him to bang on stuff! Well as we call all tell I am having a rough couple days.  I need to go take Hayden to my dad's place and cheer up!