Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am not a runner!

I have been called many things in my life, and let me tell you that "runner" has never been one of those names.  Just look at me! I do not have the body of a runner.  I do not have the cardiovascular health a runner should have. I am in no way fit to be a runner.  What I do have is the williness to try new things.  Well I completed week one of the C25k work out. Couch to 5K, and I am not joking about the couch.  I think I did one other physical activity besides this(leading up to this point). 
Things I have learned so far
1. I shouldn't be doing my workout at night, it really doesn't help me sleep at all!
2. If I push myself I can do this so far, however, I still go a lot slower than I am sure some other people do.
3. Ugh, I am not in shape at all!
So I sure hope I can stick with this.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been skinny(okay I was a stick up until I was in first grade maybe.) My entire adult life I have been a bigger girl.  Even at my thinnest, I was still a bigger girl.  I am pretty sure that I didn't fit in with half of the people in high school because I never fit that mold of the average sized girl.  The point is, that I have become fine with my body.  It is what it is and I don't know if there will ever be a large change in it's shape and size.  I do not expect my body shape or size to change, but I am hoping I can build up some endurance and cardio strength to be able to do this.  So, I guess we'll see!  If you see me running(however slowly it may be) a 5K in October, you'll know I was able to meet my goal!