Thursday, May 26, 2011

7 hours...

Well...I only have about 7 hours left of work, not including the graduation I have to attend, until summer vacation.  I still remember one year of high school a teacher telling me, "You better savor these summers because when you're an adult your job won't give you all summer off." To her I now say, "Ha...take that!"  For all those people who wish they had a summer off(which for teachers is actually 2 months and a week)become a teacher!  Now if you have one of those jobs where you make a lot of money, you might think twice on this one because we are not exactly the highest paying profession, but our perks are pretty darn nice!  Orignally I had planned to become a nurse, which would have been great except that part where I walked in to view the human cadavers and I cried.  I know I know, the person isn't there anymore, they dontated their bodies, yadda yadda.  The only thing I could think was, "oh my gosh this was someone's grandmother...someone loved her...I can't do this to her!"  So I promptly when to the career development office and took some interests tests and five years later I got a degree in Speech Communication/Theater/Secondary Education and Special Education.  And now five years after graduating, here I am.  Un-like some others I do not complain about my pay.  I realize that I don't make as much as some other people who spent the same amount of time and work in college as I did, but ya know what, they don't get is much time off as I do either!  I also realize that up until last summer I always got another job in the summer, but it was still usually a fun job or something where I could be outdoors.  So in just a few more "work" hours I'll be on summer break from my job, will you be?