Friday, May 20, 2011

Do you remember back in the day?

So my dear Aunt Dawnelle made a comment about this house her friend had when she was growing up.  She loved this house, and it made me think of one of my friends when I was little, and how much I loved her house.  Their family room was about five steps down from the rest of the house.  Not quite a basement.  They had this fantastic fireplace down there and a big couch and nice family room tv set up. I had another friend who had an actual tree house.  It looked like a real house, and we played for hours...then her mom would make us peanut butter and butter sandwhiches.  Amazing what we remember from our childhood.  I wonder what sorts of things Hayden will remember.  What sort of things will stick out in his mind when he gets older?  I hope that we will be able to help him make great memories.  I know that we will be responsible for helping him make a lot of those memories.
Yesterday I was thinking about Hayden's Firsts. My husband's mother told me they were going to take Hayden to Chuck E Cheese over the weekend when they were babysiting.  They tried to keep this a secret from Dewy and I because they knew the first time he went there, we would want to be there with him.  I think it's only Natural for parents to want to see their kids experience things for the first time.  Hayden is our first child, of course we want to see him do things for the first time.  I am hoping very much that my husbands parents are understanding of that and don't try to take him sometime when they are watching him.  I am looking forward to taking him to a lot of different places as he grows up.  I hope that he'll form some good memories.  And every chance that my husband and I get, I hope we'll be able to be a part of most all of his childhood firsts!