Monday, May 16, 2011

Thanks for the well wishes!

Thanks to everyone who sent the well wishes during my unexpected hospital stay.  Here's what a nutshell!
I was having bad stomach pain on Wednesay night.  I went to Mercy in CR.  They did some tests and said they didn't have anyone who specialized in Gastric Bypass(which I had done in 2007) so they didn't feel comfortable analyzing my test results.  They did however inform me that my Iron level is at an all time low.  So...they sent me to the U of I hopsitals and clincs at 3am...where they admitted me.
They surgeon came in...told me to stop taking ibprofine for the rest of my life, then told me they were going to do an endoscopy to determine if it was the same thing that I had problems with last time(which was a gastric ulcer).  They did the endoscopy on Friday and said they didn't see any problems with the ulcer except that ya know...I have one.  They told me as long as I got my pain under control I could go I stopped taking what they were giving me for pain and said I felt fine (I was starting to feel I guess it was okay for me to say I felt fine). So they put me on some meds to reduce the acid (omeprazole) and sent me home.  I am supposed to check in in one to two weeks. and set up a doctors apt with my family doctor about my low Iron.  I am guessing that this low Iron deal is what's causing me to feel so tired.
So that was my past few days.  I've got bruises all over my arms from the IV's and I feel totally drained! But back to work I go! Hope everyone else had a much better past few days!