Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hello my name is Theresa, and I'm addicted to sugar.  I think that it is the true downfall in my dieting life.  Weight Watchers has been going well, but I still get side tracked now and again by wonderful sugar.  I know I should just avoid it...but when they bring cake right in front of my's so hard to resist!
On a separate note...not related to sugar...but still some what related to dieting.  Some of my friends from work(and our work "live healthy Iowa" team) said, "Hey let's do some sort of activity thing this summer together."  Well one of the gals found a belly dancing class we are going to take!  I know what you're thinking, and NO we won't be baring our midriffs or anything.  It will just be a great work out!  Obviously I'm not a thin lady that is at all willing to be showing even a touch belly skin, but I am willing to have a fun time working my long lost ab muscles with friends!  Even if the dancing doesn't work the abs...the laughter will! 
Well I was looking up news articles for my student and Harold Camping has changed his mind...the rapture will now happen on October 21st. Only five months off, oops.  Well Mr. Camping to you I say, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36 Maybe he skipped that section when he was reading the Bible. Who knows.  I think I'll just keep living my life and when it happens I will know that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior and I have accepted him into my heart.  Until then, I'll keep doing my best to live my life, raise my child, and grow with God's help!  I think I am making pretty good progress, especailly when I look back at where I was with my relationship with God even five years ago.  So today i'll keep praying that God helps me grow each day.  I'm never going to be perfect, but with the help of the Lord I will keep moving forward.
So this morning I've talked about God, dieting and belly dancing.  How's that for a full blog!~