Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life is Short

So some bad news that has been weighing on my heart today.
My family tree is crazy and out of control with all of my half sisters and brothers and step brothers and sisters, so this maybe a little harder to follow than I want it to be.  I will try to keep this as simple as possible.  My sisters cousin, whose name is Geffory went with his 18 year old son Shane to Des Moines a couple days ago to speak with someone about a possible liver transplant for himself(Geffory).  Well they were declined the liver transplant and so Geffory and Shane stayed the night in Des Moines. Keep in mind all these details were given to me second hand so if I get a few of the details wrong you'll have to forgive me.  So Geffory woke up on Friday morning and found Shane dead.  Shane would have been 19 this coming Monday. Well Geffory's wife Gina came to Des Moines and Shane is undergoing an autopsy...they ruled out a heart attack so the cause of death is still unknown at this time.  Today as Geffory and Gina were driving home they got in a very bad car accident. Last I heard Gina was in some sort of surgery and they have said Geffory is paralized from the neck down.  All I can do is pray for their family. Two pretty horrible things happening at the same time. Geffory and Gina have another older son as well, Matthew, and I am sure that all of this is truly causing him a lot of pain.  If you have a moment please pray for their family.
As my dad was explaining the things that have happened over the past few days he let me know that he had been reflecting on how short life can be.  Because life is so short, he left a letter for the woman that he loves and has loved for many years, for her at her house. He said that she should call him when she has read it...and I am really praying for him tonight as well.  He feels he is about to lose his best friend, but he had to tell her how he felt, because we are never guarentted our tomorrow. 
It seems people were in quite an uproar about "the end of the world" today(which by the way, we're still here in case you haven't noticed). If you think about it...anything could happen at any moment with no reason given. Take time to tell people you love them, take time to speak to God, take time to enjoy the blessings He has given us!