Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Look! New Prayers

I am trying out some new looks! Purple is pretty...what do you think?
I have a prayer request for anyone who reads this! I spoke with a young lady today who informed me that she had a miscarriage a few weeks ago.  I think she is okay for now, but she really could use prayers! Such a hard thing for Anyone, let alone a teenager to deal with! So please say a prayer!

The women's retreat is coming up on Friday for our church.  I am really looking forward to this.  I love sharing time with the great ladies from church.  I want to spend more time with them! In fact I feel like I have really had a lack of any sort of socialization with friends in the past few months! So just remember...I need you all!  It's hard sometimes because I am at a different place in life than a lot of my dear friends that I have had for a long time, and I don't want to burden them with stories of my kid all the time...not to mention I have to now find someone to watch Hayden if I want to go hang out without my little man.  Then it is also hard with my lovely ladies from church because everyone kind of has their own little groups already of their dear friends and I hate to feel I am intruding on their spaces. I want to have those close friends at church who keep my accountable in a Christian manner, and give me positive influence in my daily life!

So I found out yesterday I had a kidney infection.  Man O Man that hurts!  I thought it was a stone...but's the kidney.  Hopefully i'm feeling better soon because I do NOT want to have to go get IV antibiotics. Praying for a quick recovery!  I wanted so badly to break my diet yesterday when I stayed home...being sick=no diet...right?  Well I did stick to it...but I used a couple of my flex points for the week to get me by.