Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For my Ladies! Free Nail Polish!

Do you want to get a nail polish for SUPER cheap...pretty much free? You can use both of these coupons at the same time at Target and get a nice nail polish for almost free!  The price on the nail polish is about 2 bucks...and then you get two bucks off if you use both of these coupons!  So it's summer ladies...get yourself a fun summer color!
Target Dollar Off Sally Hason Nail Polish
Dollar Off Sally Hanson Nail Polish

So I had to get gas this morning.  I put 20 bucks worth of gas in the tank...and it only got me a quarter of a tank!  Really!?  It's not like I'm driving around a Hummer's a regular, average size car! So to gas prices I say...please stop going up...I can't handle it anymore!

On another husband got his licence renewed, and they don't give them to you anymore!  Now they send them too you! Well, he got his new one in the mail yesterday and I must's ugly!  The only thing I find neat about it is the fact that it has an actual texture to the signature!  You can feel it, it's weird! It has one of the new giant windmills on it too...very odd...I didn't realize our state is known for this!