Friday, May 6, 2011

So today is going alright...but I'm feeling kinda crummy!  It started with me waking up late(grr...forgot to turn my alarm on).  Then I get up and I have a headache.  I'm thinking...this day needs to start getting better real fast!   Anyway, got Hayden to my mom's house(she watches him on Fridays) and then got to work.   Along with my headache I have gotten my monthly visit with brought cramps with it.  So overall I have to say I feel pretty cruddy.  We found out that my husband didn't get the job he had applied for...which is such a bummer.  On Wednesday night my Mother-In-Law had to go to the ER for some awful back spasms.  Wow...I just realized how depressing this post is!  Oh to some better news!
So first of all, my Uncle got a call to go do some testing for a job he applied for!  I will keep praying his test goes well so that he gets an interview and eventually a job he really wants!  I know that things like this are in God's hands...but throwing a couple requests via prayer sure doesn't hurt! I am excited for the first step in this process for him!
I know God has a plan for us all(including where he wants my husband working)so I try to just give things to God...but it's also just part of my nature to worry about things.  I want my husband to find a decent paying job that he doesn't dread going to every single day.  I know God will put him where he wants him...but it would be nice to get a break soon. 
Speaking of God, tonight is our Woman's Retreat out at the Janda Retreat Center near Anamosa.  I am very excited to hang out with the ladies from Church.  I am bringing Hayden with me this time.  While he is still a baby I am trying to take him where I can.  I know once he's a toddler I won't be able to just bring him along to these sorts of I try to have fun taking him places now, when it's a little bit easier. I am really looking forward to this.  The fellowship with the ladies will be just what I need after this long day.  It will also be a good chance for me to get in some extra prayer time.  I can use as much of that as I can.
Going to these sorts of events makes me so thankful that Dewy introduced me to his church in 2007.  He brought me to his church the first time we started Dating in 2007.  I LOVED it the moment I walked in.
There was something very different about this church.  I felt God's presence when I walked in.  I joined the choir about 6 months that time Dewy and I were not dating...but I still loved him.  Of course, eventually, Dewy came around and realized that he loved me too(how is that for the power of prayer!)
Even when Dewy and I were not dating, I loved the church.  I loved the people, the atmosphere, everything.  I knew I had found my place at the church.  I have learned so much about God since I have been there, and I am at the point where knowing more about Him is something I feel I want to seek out.  When I went to high school(Catholic) I took religion classes, but I didn't really take the time to learn about the Bible.  I feel like I wasted time I had to study the Bible because I wasn't interested then.
I feel like I have changed a lot since then when I comes to religion...well, when it comes to most things I guess!
My break is over and kiddos are about to get here! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!