Monday, May 9, 2011

What a day, or should I say night?

So today is our 2nd year anniversary of marriage!  I'm thrilled, but having trouble showing it!  My little boy turned 8 months old last night and decided to wake up every 20 minutes till 3:30am...when my husband finally gave him a bottle and he still stayed awake a bit longer...then finally went to sleep.  I would say I am running on about 2 hours,maybe a little less, of sleep. My goodness I am tired!
Positive things for the day...
1. It's my second anniversary!  So what are you supposed to get for that anniversary? I read cotton or straw...socks it is!
2. Hayden turned 8 months old yesterday...he's getting big way too fast!
3. I had my first mothers day yesterday!  I love being a Mommy...even when he keeps me up all night long!