Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

Waking up with some sunshine makes for a much better wake-up.  The only problem is that I don't want to open my blinds before I go to bed...because then it would get very bright in my room before 5am...and I am not ready to get up that early...I'm VERY much not ready to wake up that early.  In fact I don't even want to get up when I do! I was driving to work it was nice to have the sun shinning!
So today I am feeling kinda down in the dumps emotionally.  Igot a call about some past debt that I am going to have to pay off within two months or they are going to garnish my that pretty much set my day up for greatness. Exactly what I needed...really.  Just makes me sick.  I know that I screwed up with money and credit cards when I was in college...I realize that and am much more careful with money now, but that doesn't pay back my debt...not at all.
My husband has an interview this morning...PRAYING!!! He would really like this it sure would be nice if he would get it!  It would also give him a FULL 40 hours a week...which we currently really need if we are ever going to be able to pay off a little debt!
Only 9 more days till summer's one of the delightful parts of being a teacher!  I can't wait to spend time with my little buddy this summer! For now...I'm super tired.  I would guess this super low Iron has something to do with that...and the fact that I'm feeling like an awful person right now.  It's just not a good day.