Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cold and Tired

So I gotta say this morning I can't get warm and I am super tired. Why?  Who knows.  The doctor had told me I had VERY low Iron levels last week...and I should make an appointment with the doctor to make sure that I get those checked out...but it's the last few weeks of school and I have kids coming in at all different times to get help/have a test read/asking what they are missing/needing materials/not understanding what the teachers are asking/wondering why the are still failing classes etc.
So anyway, I don't want to miss one of them coming in and needing something so I just can't take the time.  So until I have my physical I guess I'm just going to have to feel this way.
Well this morning I was running all over the place, and that was keeping me awake, now I'm at a stand still and I could just drop!
Okay...on to new topics! My dad is getting dentures this morning.  I find this crazy...he's going to have teeth! My poor dad has had dental issues since I was young.  He'll be really excited to get them!
The weekend is nearly upon us! We have SUCH a busy weekend planned.  We have friends coming in from out of town (who are also Hayden's God Parents) we have a work get together thing on Sunday, some grilling planned Saturday...and my favorite...I GET MY ANNIVERSARY GIFT! 
My husbands gift to me was taking me to see a play!  I have a degree in Theater, I love plays, my husband, not so much.  So his gift to me was to go to this play with me!  I am Super Excited to go with him.  Maybe he will realize he too loves the theater...hehe...maybe.
Well until later...have a lovely day!