Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Caffeine Addiction

Hi, my name is Theresa and I’m addicted to caffeine. It’s been an on and off addiction I have had for a while now. I decided that I would give up caffeine yesterday. I just felt like I was relying on it every single day! If I couldn't get it I felt cruddy and I just didn’t want to feel that way just because I couldn't get my hands on some caffeine. So I decided to try life without it for a little bit and just see how it goes. So far I had an insane headache yesterday and a moderate headache today. I am hoping that means that by tomorrow this whole headache business will be a thing of the past and I can go on to live a nice caffeine free life. I did some research about the pros and cons of caffeine consumption. Really, most people say in moderation, it’s okay for you. Some people say it’s one of the worst things you can do to your body. Whatever, the point is that I am going to try to just quit it for now. Will I pick it up again? Maybe. I don’t really want to be one of those people who can’t function in the morning without my cup of coffee. Well, I don’t drink coffee, but if you insert “diet pop” into all those “gotta have my coffee” statements, that’s pretty much me! I will say this, so far today I feel far less focused and I have been hungry ALL DAY! I’m none too thrilled with the idea of giving up my diet pop if I have to gain 30 lbs to do it! Well, my head hurts again. I’m getting close to giving up on this dream. One moment at a time. We’ll see how it goes!

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why."

Dewy and I took Hayden to the apple orchard.  Dewy was not exactly overwhelmed with excitement about this, but I told him I really wanted to take him, so we did!  Dewy says, “why are we taking him to pick apples?”  I said, “Why not?” I guess with logic like that who could question me? Either way, we took Hayden to the apple orchard to pick apples.  We got there and the “apple guy” gave Dewy a quick tutorial of how to use the basket on a stick to pick our apples.  I think overall we all had a good time.  Hayden liked the taste testing portion of our picking and Dewy enjoyed getting to use a big basket/stick thingy.  I’ll try to post some of the pictures from our venture!  
Hayden picking the apple!

Ahh...MOM It touched me!

I got this mom!

Oh, okay, that's what I am supposed to do?

No worms in there, right?

Gonna get it!

Hayden and Mommy

   I have been in somewhat of a sour mood the past few days.  Why you ask? Who knows.  I am just feeling very complain-y, whinny etc. It’s probably PMS.  I do hate to use that excuse, but really it’s probably why.  Anyone who deeply offended that I would talk about PMS probably hasn’t ever experienced it, and can rest assure that my next paragraph will not contain anything having to do with menstruation.  Oh yeah, I used the “m” word.  I enjoyed a nice argument just last night.  I do not think it was a result of my PMS, because I am still feeling very justified as to the reason I was upset in the first place, but I did get snappy when I might not normally have been that way.  I also had a hard time letting go my frustration with the whole situation.    I am still feeling pretty hurt by the whole thing.  Darn tempers anyway! Regardless,  I’m praying, that helps me let things go usually.  
 My dad went to the hospital last night.  They are thinking mini stroke.  I’m just praying for a full recovery.  He says that other than a horrible headache, he’s doing better now.  Prayers are appreciated!
Well, I think it’s time to post this one and move on with my afternoon.  I try to keep some consistency, but I really just wrote most of this in a google doc and added to it when I had a free minute here or there.  Not that I feel like my blogs ever really flow very well, but I hope this one made sense!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Drama, drama and more DRAMA!

Drama, drama and more drama!  Wow.  So, can I just say I do NOT miss being a teenage girl.  Working with them daily reminds me how greatful I am that I am in a loving marriage that does not revolve around jealously or bitterness.  It just boggles my mind how much drama goes on with these young girls and their relationships.  It makes me wish that when we were sleeping God would sneak into our dreams and show us glimpses of our futures, and then they could see that this one event in life was not the "be all end all."  I feel badly for the guys that walk into some of this stuff unknowinly, but I feel some pretty huge amounts of anger for the guys that sit back and enjoy watching these girls fight over them(some of them litereally fighting)!  Lord, I pray for these young people!  I am sure their were adults who felt the same looking at my age group back when we were teenagers too.  I think that I was pretty lucky to avoid a lot of that when I was younger.  I didn't really "date" in high school.  I had lots of other drama and such.  Of course I still liked boys who didn't like me, but I try to "steal" any "taken" guys.  I guess in some aspects I was lucky, even if I didn't think so at the time. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dear Students

Dear Young Lady that is wearing a shirt that VERY low cut,
       The young men that are giving you a ton of attention because of your low cut shirt, are NOT the young men you probably are trying to get the attention of, nor are they actually giving you positive attention(contrary to what you might believe). 
Love, A concerned Teacher
Dear Young Man who is wearing skinny jeans that are a size better suited to a 2nd grade girl,
        I guess I missed the fashion boat on this one because I can not ponder how you looked in the mirror today and thought that this was a good look on you!  Furthermore, those jeans are so tight, I am actually able to see more things on your body than should be shared.
Love, A concerned(and confused) Teacher.