Friday, September 16, 2011

Drama, drama and more DRAMA!

Drama, drama and more drama!  Wow.  So, can I just say I do NOT miss being a teenage girl.  Working with them daily reminds me how greatful I am that I am in a loving marriage that does not revolve around jealously or bitterness.  It just boggles my mind how much drama goes on with these young girls and their relationships.  It makes me wish that when we were sleeping God would sneak into our dreams and show us glimpses of our futures, and then they could see that this one event in life was not the "be all end all."  I feel badly for the guys that walk into some of this stuff unknowinly, but I feel some pretty huge amounts of anger for the guys that sit back and enjoy watching these girls fight over them(some of them litereally fighting)!  Lord, I pray for these young people!  I am sure their were adults who felt the same looking at my age group back when we were teenagers too.  I think that I was pretty lucky to avoid a lot of that when I was younger.  I didn't really "date" in high school.  I had lots of other drama and such.  Of course I still liked boys who didn't like me, but I try to "steal" any "taken" guys.  I guess in some aspects I was lucky, even if I didn't think so at the time.