Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Caffeine Addiction

Hi, my name is Theresa and I’m addicted to caffeine. It’s been an on and off addiction I have had for a while now. I decided that I would give up caffeine yesterday. I just felt like I was relying on it every single day! If I couldn't get it I felt cruddy and I just didn’t want to feel that way just because I couldn't get my hands on some caffeine. So I decided to try life without it for a little bit and just see how it goes. So far I had an insane headache yesterday and a moderate headache today. I am hoping that means that by tomorrow this whole headache business will be a thing of the past and I can go on to live a nice caffeine free life. I did some research about the pros and cons of caffeine consumption. Really, most people say in moderation, it’s okay for you. Some people say it’s one of the worst things you can do to your body. Whatever, the point is that I am going to try to just quit it for now. Will I pick it up again? Maybe. I don’t really want to be one of those people who can’t function in the morning without my cup of coffee. Well, I don’t drink coffee, but if you insert “diet pop” into all those “gotta have my coffee” statements, that’s pretty much me! I will say this, so far today I feel far less focused and I have been hungry ALL DAY! I’m none too thrilled with the idea of giving up my diet pop if I have to gain 30 lbs to do it! Well, my head hurts again. I’m getting close to giving up on this dream. One moment at a time. We’ll see how it goes!