Thursday, May 26, 2011

7 hours...

Well...I only have about 7 hours left of work, not including the graduation I have to attend, until summer vacation.  I still remember one year of high school a teacher telling me, "You better savor these summers because when you're an adult your job won't give you all summer off." To her I now say, "Ha...take that!"  For all those people who wish they had a summer off(which for teachers is actually 2 months and a week)become a teacher!  Now if you have one of those jobs where you make a lot of money, you might think twice on this one because we are not exactly the highest paying profession, but our perks are pretty darn nice!  Orignally I had planned to become a nurse, which would have been great except that part where I walked in to view the human cadavers and I cried.  I know I know, the person isn't there anymore, they dontated their bodies, yadda yadda.  The only thing I could think was, "oh my gosh this was someone's grandmother...someone loved her...I can't do this to her!"  So I promptly when to the career development office and took some interests tests and five years later I got a degree in Speech Communication/Theater/Secondary Education and Special Education.  And now five years after graduating, here I am.  Un-like some others I do not complain about my pay.  I realize that I don't make as much as some other people who spent the same amount of time and work in college as I did, but ya know what, they don't get is much time off as I do either!  I also realize that up until last summer I always got another job in the summer, but it was still usually a fun job or something where I could be outdoors.  So in just a few more "work" hours I'll be on summer break from my job, will you be?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Two Days To Go

Well...there are only two days left for my students(finals).  I can't believe how fast the school year has gone by, even though I know mine was shorter because of maternity leave.  I feel like now that I have a child things are just rushing by!  I am trying to savor all of the time that Hayden is little.  I know I will enjoy other stages of his life too, but I'm just trying to soak in these stages now. Well...that's all for now!  I have to get home and enjoy my little boy who is CRAWLING!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hello my name is Theresa, and I'm addicted to sugar.  I think that it is the true downfall in my dieting life.  Weight Watchers has been going well, but I still get side tracked now and again by wonderful sugar.  I know I should just avoid it...but when they bring cake right in front of my's so hard to resist!
On a separate note...not related to sugar...but still some what related to dieting.  Some of my friends from work(and our work "live healthy Iowa" team) said, "Hey let's do some sort of activity thing this summer together."  Well one of the gals found a belly dancing class we are going to take!  I know what you're thinking, and NO we won't be baring our midriffs or anything.  It will just be a great work out!  Obviously I'm not a thin lady that is at all willing to be showing even a touch belly skin, but I am willing to have a fun time working my long lost ab muscles with friends!  Even if the dancing doesn't work the abs...the laughter will! 
Well I was looking up news articles for my student and Harold Camping has changed his mind...the rapture will now happen on October 21st. Only five months off, oops.  Well Mr. Camping to you I say, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36 Maybe he skipped that section when he was reading the Bible. Who knows.  I think I'll just keep living my life and when it happens I will know that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior and I have accepted him into my heart.  Until then, I'll keep doing my best to live my life, raise my child, and grow with God's help!  I think I am making pretty good progress, especailly when I look back at where I was with my relationship with God even five years ago.  So today i'll keep praying that God helps me grow each day.  I'm never going to be perfect, but with the help of the Lord I will keep moving forward.
So this morning I've talked about God, dieting and belly dancing.  How's that for a full blog!~

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold

So the room in which I work is hot one second, and freezing cold the next!  Can you really get sick from dramatic temperature changes?  If you can then I will surely be sick soon because the temp in here is changing all the time! To top that off my allergies are killing me today.  I feel like I almost rubbed my eyes right out of my head!  Well it's the last week of school for the school year.  Two full school days followed by three days of finals.  I think I can safely say that the kids are ready...and so am I!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well a couple little updates...
My sister had updated that her cousin had his breathing tube removed and was moving his arms.  This is very good news.  I was also told that their baby was in the car during the accident.  I don't know how old he was...but apparently he was un-injured in the accident.  Also, good news!
Today was one of those..."we make plans and nothing seems to go quite the way we planned it" kind of days. Oh well, it was another day to spend with friends and family, and that makes it a good day. 
I watched a little of the billboard music awards.  There seems to be a lot of "flashyness" more than just good music, but who am I to judge I guess.  I did enoy the very sparkly piano I saw, it was quite shinny!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life is Short

So some bad news that has been weighing on my heart today.
My family tree is crazy and out of control with all of my half sisters and brothers and step brothers and sisters, so this maybe a little harder to follow than I want it to be.  I will try to keep this as simple as possible.  My sisters cousin, whose name is Geffory went with his 18 year old son Shane to Des Moines a couple days ago to speak with someone about a possible liver transplant for himself(Geffory).  Well they were declined the liver transplant and so Geffory and Shane stayed the night in Des Moines. Keep in mind all these details were given to me second hand so if I get a few of the details wrong you'll have to forgive me.  So Geffory woke up on Friday morning and found Shane dead.  Shane would have been 19 this coming Monday. Well Geffory's wife Gina came to Des Moines and Shane is undergoing an autopsy...they ruled out a heart attack so the cause of death is still unknown at this time.  Today as Geffory and Gina were driving home they got in a very bad car accident. Last I heard Gina was in some sort of surgery and they have said Geffory is paralized from the neck down.  All I can do is pray for their family. Two pretty horrible things happening at the same time. Geffory and Gina have another older son as well, Matthew, and I am sure that all of this is truly causing him a lot of pain.  If you have a moment please pray for their family.
As my dad was explaining the things that have happened over the past few days he let me know that he had been reflecting on how short life can be.  Because life is so short, he left a letter for the woman that he loves and has loved for many years, for her at her house. He said that she should call him when she has read it...and I am really praying for him tonight as well.  He feels he is about to lose his best friend, but he had to tell her how he felt, because we are never guarentted our tomorrow. 
It seems people were in quite an uproar about "the end of the world" today(which by the way, we're still here in case you haven't noticed). If you think about it...anything could happen at any moment with no reason given. Take time to tell people you love them, take time to speak to God, take time to enjoy the blessings He has given us!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Do you remember back in the day?

So my dear Aunt Dawnelle made a comment about this house her friend had when she was growing up.  She loved this house, and it made me think of one of my friends when I was little, and how much I loved her house.  Their family room was about five steps down from the rest of the house.  Not quite a basement.  They had this fantastic fireplace down there and a big couch and nice family room tv set up. I had another friend who had an actual tree house.  It looked like a real house, and we played for hours...then her mom would make us peanut butter and butter sandwhiches.  Amazing what we remember from our childhood.  I wonder what sorts of things Hayden will remember.  What sort of things will stick out in his mind when he gets older?  I hope that we will be able to help him make great memories.  I know that we will be responsible for helping him make a lot of those memories.
Yesterday I was thinking about Hayden's Firsts. My husband's mother told me they were going to take Hayden to Chuck E Cheese over the weekend when they were babysiting.  They tried to keep this a secret from Dewy and I because they knew the first time he went there, we would want to be there with him.  I think it's only Natural for parents to want to see their kids experience things for the first time.  Hayden is our first child, of course we want to see him do things for the first time.  I am hoping very much that my husbands parents are understanding of that and don't try to take him sometime when they are watching him.  I am looking forward to taking him to a lot of different places as he grows up.  I hope that he'll form some good memories.  And every chance that my husband and I get, I hope we'll be able to be a part of most all of his childhood firsts!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cold and Tired

So I gotta say this morning I can't get warm and I am super tired. Why?  Who knows.  The doctor had told me I had VERY low Iron levels last week...and I should make an appointment with the doctor to make sure that I get those checked out...but it's the last few weeks of school and I have kids coming in at all different times to get help/have a test read/asking what they are missing/needing materials/not understanding what the teachers are asking/wondering why the are still failing classes etc.
So anyway, I don't want to miss one of them coming in and needing something so I just can't take the time.  So until I have my physical I guess I'm just going to have to feel this way.
Well this morning I was running all over the place, and that was keeping me awake, now I'm at a stand still and I could just drop!
Okay...on to new topics! My dad is getting dentures this morning.  I find this crazy...he's going to have teeth! My poor dad has had dental issues since I was young.  He'll be really excited to get them!
The weekend is nearly upon us! We have SUCH a busy weekend planned.  We have friends coming in from out of town (who are also Hayden's God Parents) we have a work get together thing on Sunday, some grilling planned Saturday...and my favorite...I GET MY ANNIVERSARY GIFT! 
My husbands gift to me was taking me to see a play!  I have a degree in Theater, I love plays, my husband, not so much.  So his gift to me was to go to this play with me!  I am Super Excited to go with him.  Maybe he will realize he too loves the theater...hehe...maybe.
Well until later...have a lovely day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting Better

Well my day has somewhat improved.  I think all I really needed was a little, "it'll be alright, you'll make it through, just keep praying." 
Sometimes we keep looking for solutions to our problems when really we just need to be looking to God.  God gave us good common sense to use, but we have to be faithful and pray too! So while i've got a plan...I've got my faith too.  Plans can fail, no matter how good they are, but my faith will not fail. I need to remember to keep focused on what really matters.

Good Morning Sunshine

Waking up with some sunshine makes for a much better wake-up.  The only problem is that I don't want to open my blinds before I go to bed...because then it would get very bright in my room before 5am...and I am not ready to get up that early...I'm VERY much not ready to wake up that early.  In fact I don't even want to get up when I do! I was driving to work it was nice to have the sun shinning!
So today I am feeling kinda down in the dumps emotionally.  Igot a call about some past debt that I am going to have to pay off within two months or they are going to garnish my that pretty much set my day up for greatness. Exactly what I needed...really.  Just makes me sick.  I know that I screwed up with money and credit cards when I was in college...I realize that and am much more careful with money now, but that doesn't pay back my debt...not at all.
My husband has an interview this morning...PRAYING!!! He would really like this it sure would be nice if he would get it!  It would also give him a FULL 40 hours a week...which we currently really need if we are ever going to be able to pay off a little debt!
Only 9 more days till summer's one of the delightful parts of being a teacher!  I can't wait to spend time with my little buddy this summer! For now...I'm super tired.  I would guess this super low Iron has something to do with that...and the fact that I'm feeling like an awful person right now.  It's just not a good day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thanks for the well wishes!

Thanks to everyone who sent the well wishes during my unexpected hospital stay.  Here's what a nutshell!
I was having bad stomach pain on Wednesay night.  I went to Mercy in CR.  They did some tests and said they didn't have anyone who specialized in Gastric Bypass(which I had done in 2007) so they didn't feel comfortable analyzing my test results.  They did however inform me that my Iron level is at an all time low.  So...they sent me to the U of I hopsitals and clincs at 3am...where they admitted me.
They surgeon came in...told me to stop taking ibprofine for the rest of my life, then told me they were going to do an endoscopy to determine if it was the same thing that I had problems with last time(which was a gastric ulcer).  They did the endoscopy on Friday and said they didn't see any problems with the ulcer except that ya know...I have one.  They told me as long as I got my pain under control I could go I stopped taking what they were giving me for pain and said I felt fine (I was starting to feel I guess it was okay for me to say I felt fine). So they put me on some meds to reduce the acid (omeprazole) and sent me home.  I am supposed to check in in one to two weeks. and set up a doctors apt with my family doctor about my low Iron.  I am guessing that this low Iron deal is what's causing me to feel so tired.
So that was my past few days.  I've got bruises all over my arms from the IV's and I feel totally drained! But back to work I go! Hope everyone else had a much better past few days!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For my Ladies! Free Nail Polish!

Do you want to get a nail polish for SUPER cheap...pretty much free? You can use both of these coupons at the same time at Target and get a nice nail polish for almost free!  The price on the nail polish is about 2 bucks...and then you get two bucks off if you use both of these coupons!  So it's summer ladies...get yourself a fun summer color!
Target Dollar Off Sally Hason Nail Polish
Dollar Off Sally Hanson Nail Polish

So I had to get gas this morning.  I put 20 bucks worth of gas in the tank...and it only got me a quarter of a tank!  Really!?  It's not like I'm driving around a Hummer's a regular, average size car! So to gas prices I say...please stop going up...I can't handle it anymore!

On another husband got his licence renewed, and they don't give them to you anymore!  Now they send them too you! Well, he got his new one in the mail yesterday and I must's ugly!  The only thing I find neat about it is the fact that it has an actual texture to the signature!  You can feel it, it's weird! It has one of the new giant windmills on it too...very odd...I didn't realize our state is known for this!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday...but it feels like Monday

Good Morning!  So it's a Tuesday but it feels like a Monday.  I posted the newest professional pictures of my little man!  He's such a cutie if I do say so myself...and I do! He's our future Hawkeye for sure! I saw some pictures of when he was little come across my electronic photo frame today...I can't believe how big he's gotten.  I am aware that this will just keep happening each day as he gets bigger.  I will look back on these pictures and think to, look how small he was then!  Pictures are a great way to remember these days that pass by all to quickly. 
My first mother's day as a mother was great.  Well, technically I was a mother last year...but Hayden was in-utero!  At this point last year we had not even decided on a name!
The end of the school year is getting closer.  I am really looking forward to spending time with Hayden!  I can't wait to take him to the pool, to the park, on walks, and just play in the back yard!  And of course we'll be working on all those new fun skills like crawling forward, walking and saying MAMA! 

My Future Hawkeye!

My little buddy loves to clap!

He has this tounge thing right now...I think he's's just so cute!

 He just can't wait to get his hands on that football!
My little buddy...7 1/2 months old!

Monday, May 9, 2011

What a day, or should I say night?

So today is our 2nd year anniversary of marriage!  I'm thrilled, but having trouble showing it!  My little boy turned 8 months old last night and decided to wake up every 20 minutes till 3:30am...when my husband finally gave him a bottle and he still stayed awake a bit longer...then finally went to sleep.  I would say I am running on about 2 hours,maybe a little less, of sleep. My goodness I am tired!
Positive things for the day...
1. It's my second anniversary!  So what are you supposed to get for that anniversary? I read cotton or straw...socks it is!
2. Hayden turned 8 months old yesterday...he's getting big way too fast!
3. I had my first mothers day yesterday!  I love being a Mommy...even when he keeps me up all night long!

Friday, May 6, 2011

So today is going alright...but I'm feeling kinda crummy!  It started with me waking up late(grr...forgot to turn my alarm on).  Then I get up and I have a headache.  I'm thinking...this day needs to start getting better real fast!   Anyway, got Hayden to my mom's house(she watches him on Fridays) and then got to work.   Along with my headache I have gotten my monthly visit with brought cramps with it.  So overall I have to say I feel pretty cruddy.  We found out that my husband didn't get the job he had applied for...which is such a bummer.  On Wednesday night my Mother-In-Law had to go to the ER for some awful back spasms.  Wow...I just realized how depressing this post is!  Oh to some better news!
So first of all, my Uncle got a call to go do some testing for a job he applied for!  I will keep praying his test goes well so that he gets an interview and eventually a job he really wants!  I know that things like this are in God's hands...but throwing a couple requests via prayer sure doesn't hurt! I am excited for the first step in this process for him!
I know God has a plan for us all(including where he wants my husband working)so I try to just give things to God...but it's also just part of my nature to worry about things.  I want my husband to find a decent paying job that he doesn't dread going to every single day.  I know God will put him where he wants him...but it would be nice to get a break soon. 
Speaking of God, tonight is our Woman's Retreat out at the Janda Retreat Center near Anamosa.  I am very excited to hang out with the ladies from Church.  I am bringing Hayden with me this time.  While he is still a baby I am trying to take him where I can.  I know once he's a toddler I won't be able to just bring him along to these sorts of I try to have fun taking him places now, when it's a little bit easier. I am really looking forward to this.  The fellowship with the ladies will be just what I need after this long day.  It will also be a good chance for me to get in some extra prayer time.  I can use as much of that as I can.
Going to these sorts of events makes me so thankful that Dewy introduced me to his church in 2007.  He brought me to his church the first time we started Dating in 2007.  I LOVED it the moment I walked in.
There was something very different about this church.  I felt God's presence when I walked in.  I joined the choir about 6 months that time Dewy and I were not dating...but I still loved him.  Of course, eventually, Dewy came around and realized that he loved me too(how is that for the power of prayer!)
Even when Dewy and I were not dating, I loved the church.  I loved the people, the atmosphere, everything.  I knew I had found my place at the church.  I have learned so much about God since I have been there, and I am at the point where knowing more about Him is something I feel I want to seek out.  When I went to high school(Catholic) I took religion classes, but I didn't really take the time to learn about the Bible.  I feel like I wasted time I had to study the Bible because I wasn't interested then.
I feel like I have changed a lot since then when I comes to religion...well, when it comes to most things I guess!
My break is over and kiddos are about to get here! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The end of the school year rolls near!

As I look at my calendar I am reminded that the end of the school year is getting near!  16 days left! I can tell my students are starting to get antzy! Our Senior homeroom got their caps and gowns today.  I then realized...I am about to complete my fifth year as a teacher. I remember hearing about the "Five Year Burnout" when I was in college.  I am thankful I don't feel that way.  While my job does have it's stressors, it gives me some down time now and then to reflect. Those times are sometimes more rare, and sometimes more abundant. While I am writing this, I have a few moments!  I love my job, and I love the kids I work with.  They drive me crazy sometimes, but truly I care about them and their sucess in life.  I hope to show myself as a good example to them.  I pray for my kids and pray I can be a good teacher to them. 
Last night my husband informed me as to what he is giving me for our anniversary!  It will be our 2nd anniversary on the 9th!  One day after Mother's day!
My husband bought us tickets to see "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"!!! I am so excited.  I haven't been to a play in a long time and Dewy(my husband) does not go to plays.  But he says, "he'll go for me!" This is a big step for him!  Maybe someday I can get him to take me to a musical...okay...that's a stretch!
Happy Thursday Everyone!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Look! New Prayers

I am trying out some new looks! Purple is pretty...what do you think?
I have a prayer request for anyone who reads this! I spoke with a young lady today who informed me that she had a miscarriage a few weeks ago.  I think she is okay for now, but she really could use prayers! Such a hard thing for Anyone, let alone a teenager to deal with! So please say a prayer!

The women's retreat is coming up on Friday for our church.  I am really looking forward to this.  I love sharing time with the great ladies from church.  I want to spend more time with them! In fact I feel like I have really had a lack of any sort of socialization with friends in the past few months! So just remember...I need you all!  It's hard sometimes because I am at a different place in life than a lot of my dear friends that I have had for a long time, and I don't want to burden them with stories of my kid all the time...not to mention I have to now find someone to watch Hayden if I want to go hang out without my little man.  Then it is also hard with my lovely ladies from church because everyone kind of has their own little groups already of their dear friends and I hate to feel I am intruding on their spaces. I want to have those close friends at church who keep my accountable in a Christian manner, and give me positive influence in my daily life!

So I found out yesterday I had a kidney infection.  Man O Man that hurts!  I thought it was a stone...but's the kidney.  Hopefully i'm feeling better soon because I do NOT want to have to go get IV antibiotics. Praying for a quick recovery!  I wanted so badly to break my diet yesterday when I stayed home...being sick=no diet...right?  Well I did stick to it...but I used a couple of my flex points for the week to get me by.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Picture Time!!!

Hi Mom! Why are you taking my picture again?

Grandpa Roberts and Hayden Celebrating Easter!...Grandpa tried to feed him chocolate!

Great Grandpa Wyman and Hayden.  Hayden just got his first Glow Worm!

Aunt Dawnelle stuffing Eggs!  And looking Good~!

Uncle John...the grill master...or so he thinks!

Whitney taking that pinta down!

Best part of it is the candy

Daddy and Hayden Easter Sunday

First Family Easter Photo

Second's hard to get a baby to look at the camera.

What a pain in the...kidney

So...I am home today with a kidney infection.  It is really killing me!  Lots of pain...nothing fun about it.  Hayden has been laying next to me taking a nap, but he just now woke I better keep an eye on this little joy of my life!  He's such a doll!

Big Smiles

My little man...7months old!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weight Watchers

So I just put in my weekly weigh in...3 weeks in...11 pounds down! Woo Hoo!